No JKU Account

To let an external person (without a JKU account) or future students without a matriculation number participate in the course, you can either apply for a JKU partner account or use a guest access.

Please do not enrol students in Moodle courses with their VK number.

JKU partner account

Create a JKU partner account for the external person and request authorization for Moodle login: 6. Bestellung (Abbestellung) von zusätzlichen Berechtigungen.

After that, the external person (once logged into Moodle) can be enrolled in the Moodle course with the desired role (e.g. "tutor").

Guest access

Moodle allows you to open your course to outside individuals by adding "Guest access" to the Enrolment methods. However, this allows anyone to enter your course but without editing rights and without being able to actively participate in the course (such as in the discussion forums).

Access Enrolment methods under "Participants" > "Enrolment methods". Select "Guest access" from the pull-down bar "Add method" (in the middle of the window) to activate Guest access. Before you click on "Add method" you can select a password. Guests will be required to supply the password each time they access the course.

When someone wants to access your course, the person can register by logging in or the person will automatically be logged in as a guest by accessing your course.

We advise to use guest access with a password. Without the password, anyone (even without a JKU Account) would have access to the course content, and due to the public nature of this, concerns regarding data protection and copyright may arise.