Announcements forum

A special forum that is only for information to students.

Students cannot reply to posts and it has a forced subscription set by default, which is why they are normally informed of new posts by email.

If a Moodle course or a forum is set to "Hide", students will not receive e-mail notification messages when there are new posts. This is also the case if students have disabled emails to forums in their profile.

Moodle offers a number of other forums that you can create in your course.

Create an Announcements forum

The course generally does not contain an Announcements forum. 

  1. If you want to add it, click "Settings" at the top in the menu bar under the course title.
  2. Under "Appearance" > "Number of announcements" select a value greater than 0 and save.
  3. The Announcements forum is automatically created in the top section.

Block "Latest announcements"

This block works only with the Announcements forum.